Anxiety is a one of our primary emotions, meaning everyone feels anxious at certain times and it is natural of being a human. Anxiety is often seen as a bad emotion, but in many situations anxiety actually warns us about potential dangers and can actually keeps us alive and safe. This is known as the fight or flight response. For some, feelings of anxiety can be challenging, people can experience anxiety attacks when they least expect it and this can cause distress. Young people nowadays are experiencing more anxiety and when this happens both at school and at home the impact can impact of their everyday life. Panic attacks, social phobia, phobias and exam anxiety are some of the different types of anxiety which can impact on educational achievement. Emotional-Ed offers Cognitive Behavioural Treatment (CBT) or Hypnotherapy for anxiety issues to enable a young person to resume education and thrive.

Emotional-Ed focuses on anxiety interventions to support young people who struggle with:



Panic attacks can effect everyday functioning inside and outside of education. For people panic attacks can be crippling when they happen frequently, they can be embarrassing if they come on unexpectedly and challenging for staff to manage if in an educational setting. Panic attacks can be reduced through effective CBT to enable a young person to return back to their education.



Exams are stressful and with exams everyone needs a healthy bit of anxiety which can aid performance. For some people the anxiety increases to such a rate that it can impair performance. CBT and hypnotherapy are both effective methods of reducing exam anxiety to manageable levels.



Social phobia is when someone has an anxiety response when placed in a social situation. Most people feel nervous when they are starting at a new school, college or university where they have to meet others. However some young people struggle with flushing when having to read in public or are unable to speak in front of a class. CBT is effective at reducing social anxieties.

How Emotional-Ed works with Anxiety