Emotional-Ed works with young people to help them reach their potential by bridging the gap between wellbeing, mental health and education.


Striking a balance between wellbeing and mental health directly links to a young persons educational success. Emotional-Ed can help young people balance themselves to regain or attain achievement.


Emotional-Ed offers interventions and therapy.

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Wellbeing interventions are based upon the five principles that have been scientifically proven to improve a persons state of mind. These principles are to be active, to give to others, to learn, to be mindful and to connect. Young people, now more than ever are feeling the pressure and strain of life. Therefore Emotional-Ed offers one-to-one wellbeing support which focuses upon research based strategies of wellbeing which can help them with their education.

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Anxiety is one of the most widely experienced mental health problems for young people today. Mild to moderate conditions can have a detrimental impact on both their educational experience and achievement. Emotional-Ed offers Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) in order to help manage anxiety related to education.

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Exams are widely used to assess young people. When completing any exam, a small amount of stress can actually increase someones exam performance for the better. However, for others the increased stress levels can actually impact on their performance in a negative way. Emotional-Ed offers hypnotherapy to help calm physical anxiety in exam environments.



Emotional- Ed provides resources, tips and ideas which relate to topics centred round education and emotions. This includes a blog which focusing on topical issues that can impact upon young people